Are They Really Married?! Why, Yes They Are!

What a world we live in when people question and/or make wrong guesses about a couple relationship to one another.

Since Stanley and I have lived here in Florida some people have asked us if we were married. While a few other people have spread other stories. This questioning and spreading of misinformation usually occurs because ours is a interracial marriage. We believe if it was a same race marriage, the questions and misinformation would never happen.

Well, to clear up all these questions, lies, and misconceptions, I am stating that without a doubt that Stanley and I are legally married and have been so for decades, on decade, on decades.

As proof, below is a copy of our marriage certificate, which is a legal copy of the original which was stolen from a safe that was broken into along with other items a few years ago. Why someone would steal a marriage certificate is beyond me.


Regardless of what those opposing or refusing to accept our married, we have been together nearly four decades, and with the Grace of God, my “Mr. Grumpy”, my “Fang” and I will squeeze another another out four decades.