Two Kinds Of Fair-Weather Friends

Kindred SpiritsTwo Kinds Of Fair-Weather Friends:

  1. Fair-Weather Friends are people that pretend to support you only when it is easy, and convenient for them to do so, which makes them no friends at all.
  2. Fair-Weather Friends are also people who only seek you out with the main interest of bringing you down in the eyes of others and then to take what you work so hard for. These kinds of Fair-Weather Friends are no more than low-down dirty con-artists. In short, criminals who possess no friend materials at all.

I say, who needs either them? Certainly, not me!

Unfortunately, I have met more than my fair share of these two types of Fair-Weather Friends since moving here, and I am so glad I was raised better.

I prefer and I am comfortable with no friends at all than having Fair-Weather Friends in my life. Below kindred spirit.

Wow! We’re on Google’s Images!

Hello, Darlings

I will be busy, busy, and busy for the next few weeks. In the meantime, I want to address the person who took our family photos from this, my WordPress, site and posted them on Google’s images. I do not understand your motives for doing so. However, you did me a favor because I need that exposure and more viewers at all my websites.

As you know, and I am sure you do, I am also the creator and host to Widescreen Online Review, Widescreen Network News, Anime Links, My Anime Nook, Comic Review,  Tito Cavern, A Catholic’s Life, Anew, Seven Ninety Seven “Home Of The Bargain Queen“, Just Another Rip-Off Website, First Look 2019,  and  lastly First Look 2020. All of which are in need of updating, but that is beside the point of this post. I was also the creator of It’s A Woman Things and the The Constituent, but after a while I realized the world was bigger than me and that I liked what I saw of it.

Wow! We’re on Google’s Images! Me at Thirty-Something.

You, yes you. By taking and posting my photos on Google’s Images have only peak people interest as to who I really am and what I am really about. Since I have inherited so many haters I doubt your motives were to help spread the word that my websites exist, but exist they do and help expand my readership you probably have done.

So thank you and I wish you good luck in your own life.

Evelyn Altheimer-Fain,

Wife, mother, grandmother, university senior, writer, do-it yourself-er, former nurse, university senior, member of crime prevention, and federal and state worker. Phew, nearly in that other.